
A businessman arrested for theft of Vatican property

 Vatican City Police have arrested an Italian businessman who helped the Vatican to buy expensive property in London under a controversial deal.

Joji Torjee is accused of kidnapping, robbery, fraud, and money laundering while buying assets worth J200 million.

Since his arrest, Zalozi has been kept in the Vatican Police Barrack and faces up to 12 years in prison if found guilty.

Property purchased in 2018 in the expensive London area of ​​Chelsea is under investigation.

Vatican Secretariat for Diplomatic and Political Affairs Chelsea has purchased an apartment block on Slovenian Avenue in 2018 with church funds.

They allege that the market value of the property is exaggerated.

In October, the Vatican police raided the Secretariat, seized documents and computers from the office, and suspended five Vatican officials from entering the Vatican.

Pope Francis questioned the transparency of the deal: "They did things that didn't seem transparent."

The Secretary of State is the church's fundraiser, which is donated by Catholics worldwide.

A Vatican police chief has had to resign following reports in the Vatican investigating a property purchase in London.

In February this year, Vatican police seized documents and computers related to senior officer Alberto Pirlaska.

This week, Pope Francis introduced new legislation to make the Vatican's economy more transparent.

However, Pope Francis defended the property purchase with church money last year, saying it was a good investment.

The Catholic Church has yet to emerge from the scandal of sexual assault cases and is facing a new scandal.

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