
Authorities say Donald Trump behaved indecently and badly with Theresa May during a phone call

Authorities say Donald Trump behaved indecently and badly with Theresa May during a phone call

According to an American report, Donald Trump has repeatedly tried to talk to Theresa May during "abusive and intimidating" conversations.

In her stance on Brexit, NATO, and immigration, the US president is said to have called Ms. May weak during the phone calls between 2016 and 2019.

Surprising new claims about Mr. Trump's call with world leaders were made by Carl Bernstein in a CNN report for conversations in real-time, based on the accounts of dozens of bosses or after printouts.

"She got into an argument with Theresa May over her phone call, so she misbehaved with her phone call," said a source for Mr. Bernstein, who was involved in tackling the Watergate scandal.

In her conversation with the US president, Ms. May was "bloated and terrified". "They are obviously scared and mean to him," one of the CNN sources said.

Trump's most barbaric verbal attacks have targeted female leaders, officials have suggested - German Chancellor Angel Merkel is coming for particularly harsh treatment.

Like Mrs. May, Mrs. Merkel suffered "near-brutal" diatribes during a call with the American leader. One official said, "Everything he said to Angela Merkel is incredible: they called him 'stupid' and accused him of being in Russia's pocket."

However, unlike the former prime minister, Ms. Merkel reads the facts and figures in response to the fact that she is completely calm in renting, often "like water from behind a duck."

According to a German official, the calls were considered so unusual that special measures were taken to keep them confidential, saying that the circle of people involved in monitoring the calls had been reduced.

In contrast, Trump has received friendly calls with these totalitarian leaders, despite "totalitarianism" with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Another official said Trump "thinks he can turn himself into a businessman and a tough guy who respects Putin," while other talks with the Russian leader "two people are steaming."

The US president also obtained his personal wealth, such as Saudi ruler Mohammed bin Salman and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Two former Trump officials, including National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and White House Chief John Kelly, have led the calls, both sources told CNN. Illusion ”.

Commenting on these claims, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews commented: "President Trump is a world-class negotiator and has steadily developed US interests in the interests of the world. ... President Trump has shown its ability to advance US strategic interests."

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