
Does aloe whitener promote teeth and healthy gums?

Whenever you hear about aloe, it's usually in shampoo and hair ads.

Evergreen (which lasts a long time), this plant has long been known to be an easy remedy for hair problems, especially hair loss and other problems such as drying and hair loss.

In addition to hair, it helps calm our skin and removes any dryness.

But did you know that there are other uses outside of our body as well? This is correct. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ability helps your body to benefit from the inside.

Some of its other uses include:

Reduces gingivitis

One of the benefits of aloe is also the improvement of the health of our gums, per study. It is a great idea to use as a cure for gum inflammation as it helps restore the appearance of your tissues. And many studies have shown that plaque can be reduced on teeth like chlorhexidine so the benefits don’t stop with your gums. However, this is only a first-aid solution and should not be considered a complete treatment.

Teeth may be whitened

According to some websites, aloe makes your pear white. However, the evidence to support it is still very limited. However, aloe can hold your teeth for a long time, as aloe helps to reduce the yellow plaque.

Prevents disinfection of cavities

Several studies have shown that aloe can also kill bacteria that live in the mouth, helping to reduce gingivitis and lead to more serious gum problems. Such bacteria include Streptococcus mutans, one of the most commonly blamed bacteria for tooth decay. Research on this aspect of aloe may be a bit limited in comparison to others, but it is not as effective, as there have been studies that have shown positive results.

However, aloe is not a direct alternative to brushing your teeth, so always follow good oral hygiene.

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