
The Macron chart is a lockdown route to France and the Presidency

The Macron chart is a lockdown route to France and the Presidency

President Emmanuel Macron has called for a speeding up of the way to reset his presidency and pull out of France's lockdown, which is facing financial turmoil ahead of the next presidential election in 2022.

In a televised speech, amid declining approval ratings, Macron said the country was ready to recover from the human and economic costs of the coronavirus pandemic that killed nearly 30,000 people in France and his presidency. But it helped remove confidence. In a welcome decision for tourists and locals, the indoor service at bars and restaurants in the Paris area will resume on Monday. All schools will reopen from June 22.

Although the virus has slowed down in France, the return to normal is likely to reappear before the epidemic - from Yellow west protesters to controversial pension reforms - is back. The government expects the economy to decline by 11% this year.

Macron said Sunday: "The moment that comes after many crises in the last 15 years, we must open up new steps to regain our lives and our fortunes in France and Europe." Is. "" Our first priority is to rebuild a strong, green, sovereign, solid economy. "

Macron's domestic devastation has led to changes in his cabinet and the election may be possible. He did not address questions Sunday, saying he would present his "new way" in a speech in July.

He talked about reviving himself and accepting the shortcomings of his government's handling of the epidemic. “We will face our weaknesses and address them quickly and forcefully,” he said. "The State Has Done"

Macron has an approval rating of 33% in its Elabee poll published on June 4, up from 39% in April. Prime Minister Edward Philip gets more credit for dealing with the epidemic: his approval rating has risen to 39% since December 2017.

After George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, Macron made his first mention of discrimination and racism in France.

A few days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out against racism in her country, Macron said, "We will not compromise with racism, antisemitism, and discrimination." He pledged "new strong measures for an equal opportunity".

However, he vowed that the statues of French historical figures would remain untouched and would be praised by the police. He said France did not remove any name from its history.

Faithful attitude

Prior to the speech, the presiding officer said Macron, 42, was shaping the “next steps” of his tenure. This means going back to the drawing board to determine the pension version and the weight and what parts.

Prior to the epidemic, Macron promised to reduce retirement benefits generously to curb government spending. The goal is still there, and more importantly, according to his advisors, the Kovid-19 will be packing French boxes.

With the government implementing one of the world’s toughest lockdowns to prevent the virus, it backed Macron’s economy at a total cost of 500 billion euros ($ 563 billion). On Sunday, he promised to avoid tax hikes, invest in hospitals, and provide employment to young people.

After more than three years in office, Macron has the advantage of a wider majority in parliament and a lack of a credible opponent for the 2022 presidential election.

With the ease of the lockdown, he hit fighting, confident voice on Sunday.

“We are happy to be together again,” said Macron. "In short, we will be able to find France again."

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