
The millennia-old remains have been recovered in northwestern Iran

Tehran - A group of prehistoric remains dating back to the first century BCE, recently recovered from an ancient merchant near the town of Bukhan in western Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran.

"The remains consist of a clay bowl and eighty pearls. Such semi-precious stones were mostly used as personal decorations," CHTN Bukon Tourism Chief Obedola Sorkhabi said Saturday.

Information on the seizure said that "police found a suspicious vehicle moving on the road towards Buchan."

"The remains have been estimated by cultural heritage experts as objects of incredible historical value some 2,500 years ago."

According to Encyclopedia de Britannica, the Mananis were first recorded in the history of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III (858–824 BC) and last mentioned by Rus II of Russia (685–645 BC) and by Asserhaddon of Acacia. 680–669 BCE).

Mannai, also known as Manna, is an ancient country, surrounded by three major powers, Assyria, Urartu and the media. With the infiltration of the Scythians and the rise of the Medes in the 7th century, the Mannaeans lost their identity and became subservient to the word Medes.

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