
Two women have been arrested in Sydney following a statue of British explorer James Cook

The Royal Navy sailor replaced the first British penalty colony in Australia, which became Sydney in 1770.

New South Wales police were alerted to graffiti in the city's Hyde Park at 4am before the two accused were arrested in their late 20s.

Protesters marching against racism around the world have demolished memorials commemorating people with a controversial history.

Sydney council workers clarified the law on Sunday morning.

Police in neighboring Victoria is investigating the statues of two Australian former prime ministers over the weekend in Ballarat Park.

Anti-racist protesters, who took to the streets after the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody, are demanding that some of Europe's legacy of empire-building architects be restored and their sculptures demolished.

From Edward Colston in England to Christopher Columbus in the United States and King Leopold II in Belgium, in recent weeks, there have been occasional attacks on the sculptures of colonial successors.

The arrested women were found in a bag along with several spray-paint cartons, police said in a statement.

He said he was denied bail and charged with vandalizing and damaging property.

Sydney council workers clarified the law on Sunday morning.

Police in neighboring Victoria is investigating the statues of two Australian former prime ministers over the weekend in Ballarat Park.

Anti-racist protesters, who took to the streets after the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody, are demanding that some of Europe's legacy of empire-building architects be restored and their sculptures demolished.

From Edward Colston in England to Christopher Columbus in the United States and King Leopold II in Belgium, in recent weeks, there have been occasional attacks on the sculptures of colonial successors.

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