Can Joe Biden join another First Senator ticket from Illinois?
When Senator Tommy Duckworth, a newly formed junior from Illinois, returned to the wheelchair during the swearing-in ceremony at the US Capitol, she put her hand on a copy of the constitution, telling her then-Vice President, Joe Biden, "It's done."
For Duckworth, his appearance at the January 2017 ceremony was important because he said he had "survival and resilience" and represented the pinnacle of service during personal stories in his long career and adversity.
"Over the years, (Biden) has only shown that he can overcome so much, and he has overcome it. And he gets it. He gets it. He gets the same injury. No one can go through what I went through. But he survived the injury, and he looked the other way, ”Duckworth said in an interview with ABC News.
She is now in contention to work with controversial Democratic presidential nominee Biden. ABC News has learned that the senator is a veterinarian for the Running Mate slot and has interviewed Biden's vice president's search committee.
In the remaining weeks of the process, she revealed she was ready to serve in any capacity.
Duckworth showed his hand and made it clear to him that "whatever role he wants - he has to do for me - I'll do that." "And if that role is to go into the sweeping floor on an American basis ... then I do. We have so many challenges in this country and I truly believe that Joe Biden is there to meet those people. They have challenges and overcome them."
No other woman was forced to interpret the personal story as Duckworth. After receiving food stamps and being almost homeless for some of his teenage years, he joined the Illinois National Guard and was stationed in Iraq in 2004, where he operated a Blackhawk helicopter known as a rocket-powered helicopter. Killed by the grenade.
The attack put him close to death, but Duckworth was rescued by his fellow servicemen - some wounded. She wakes up at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, which she describes as "nonstop, incredible and endless knowledge." He lost both of his legs in the attack and partially used his right hand - initially calling him a "second life."
A former staffer praised the senator, calling him "No B.S." Said. And thoughtful when it comes to his work. The former employee spoke openly about her friendly nature between pranks inside the office and showing photos of her two young daughters and reminding herself that Duckworth was also a working mother.
But his military background, according to Duckworth's close associates, marks his service as Biden's second-in-command.
"If you're looking for someone who's going to be a team player and a trusted ally - that can be a tummy. He's a perfect team player. He's not a workhorse, a show horse, and when we get into the Senate, he's like, 'Well, I'm known for my hard work, my legislative and policy success.' Everything else is secondary. "
Lone VP competitor with military experience
The recent spotlight on the military has allowed President Donald Trump, a frequent guest on cable news, and the military to show his prowess as an attack dog, delivering a personal and personal speech on the Senate floor, the report said. On the intelligence behind the reports, Russia rewarded Taliban terrorists for killing American soldiers but took no action.
Duckworth said, "I don't know if our soldiers are helping to kill American soldiers because nobody told me" because the commander is not the greatest Army chief on earth. This is really a statement of inefficiency, ”Duckworth said, adding that Trump’s claims were not disclosed to him.
Duckworth's military service also gives him exterior of Teflon, aides said, despite any attacks or nicknames from the president - the "cadet bone spurs", which prevents him from serving his highest military post-Vietnam.
“Tommy is the most effective counterpoint to Donald Trump. Dick Durbin, who played a key role in bringing Duckworth into politics, said in a statement to ABC News.
For Duckworth, the Trump tick is understandable “a waste of time”.
"I don't care why Donald Trump didn't answer me. He doesn't deserve to waste my time. I wonder what impulses come to his mind because I don't even understand how 125,000 dead Americans get out and about golf," Duckworth said. "It's very different to me than I've ever done in my life."
However, Duckworth collapsed diplomatically when asked if the military's focus on the Democratic ticket was greater than military experience in major stories across the country.
"I think it's an advantage for someone with military experience," she said. "I don't think it's a necessity, but I think it's really a way to protect our country and protect our nation's national security from exploiting the military for political purposes." The framework involves awareness. "
The challenges he faces
Duckworth's chances of getting a ticket with Biden are contrary to his own record and history, and the slate of women is also under consideration.
Sources close to Duckworth said the Senator did not necessarily have White House aspirations, but that the woman who initially focused on foreign service did not need a congressional career. For him, it was about answering the call to service. He served two terms in the House before becoming a junior senator from Illinois.
"She's obviously very effective," said Joel Goldstein, vice president of the University of St. Louis. "Can she do it nationally now, too? And I think they'll ask about her, and all the people they look up to."
However, if he qualifies for Biden - he can run for president on the first day. That ability is what makes Biden's age so important - he is 77 and will be elected the oldest president if he is successful - and his vice president is most likely his successor.
Biden's running mate, Duckworth, is steadily raising his profile to follow a targeted date in early August, especially as Trump's actions provoke widespread national unrest in him and around the country. Highlights.
But he also faces some obstacles.
On Tuesday, his hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, criticized his legislative record as "light" as he swiped on "some legislative victories" during his tenure in the House, despite "making something big" in the Senate. App.
Duckworth himself dismissed the allegation, defending his efforts in both rooms, including passing a law requiring all major airports to provide breastfeeding for nursing mothers.
"I'm proud of what I've done," she said. "I've always done it in the minority ... I'm happy to keep my legislature record of the legislature and amendments that I passed on each other ... I wake up every day and say, 'What can I do?' Should I serve my country? ''
Duckworth's lower name raises questions about his ability to activate the ID Democratic base and help him win the battlefields that will ultimately define election results. But there may be some advantages, political experts said.
"From a Biden standpoint - you have to invest more to define her than Elizabeth Warren, ... Kamala Harris ... they are very well defined," says Dr. Kent Redfield, professor of political practice. Science said in an interview at the University of Illinois at Springfield. "It also means that she doesn't come up with something that Harris or Warren have now."
The Vice President's quest is largely covert, and in the face of deep national unrest over systemic racism and police vandalism - some Democrats put too much pressure on Biden to address a race that an African American woman resonates with.
“When you think of any candidate, they all have strengths and weaknesses,” Goldstein said. "So one of the challenges is Sen. Duckworth. Even though he is a colored person, he is not African American, and people who argue that he should choose one of the contestants from African Americans will be disappointed. ??
Most First Lady in the Senate: Duckworth was born in Thailand, made her the first Thai American; Her first female vacancy; The first senator to give birth while in office; And to bring her newborn baby to the Senate floor.
If elected, Duckworth would be the first woman of Asian American descent on a presidential ticket - and if successful, she would become the first woman vice president, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be the first wheelchair user in the nation's first two offices.
Duckworth brings with him his experience from the Department of Veterans Affairs at the state and federal level after former government President Rod Blagojevich and President Barack Obama were insulted for leadership roles in two consecutive years.
But experts say their major shortcomings may be related to Illinois, which is known for its "old-fashioned" politics, often defined by its history of corruption.
Redfield said, "If you are in the opposition, you will not try to define him as a corrupt Illinois politician, Bloggevich and Obama supporter. You will commit political misconduct." The seat was vacant in 2008 when Obama entered the White House. Trump sentenced Bloggevich earlier this year.
Her advantage is to deal with potential hiccups in her records or her associations.
"He's not an easy target," he said. "He's very reliable ... his military (service) and his story, for non-ideological non-conservative people, would be a plus."
Duckworth proved that he was capable of carrying out attacks.
During a 2016 debate in the Senate race in Illinois, Duckworth spoke of his family's military service in the Revolutionary War, quoting former GOP Sen. Mark Kirk, who said, "I forgot your parents came from Thailand to serve George in Washington."
When Trump stood outside St. John's Episcopal Church for a photo op with military officials, Duckworth captioned a loud op-ed, "Two generals are seen running lapdogs behind a draft Dodger in the mine five times." It was heartbreaking, ”General Mark Miley, chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, who appeared in the photo with the drawing president, called for his apology.