
Mass Internet Shutdown: Dozens of websites and apps are down

Cloud Flyer, an internet service that is thought’ to be running websites and running itself, was down on Sunday, along with dozens of other websites and online services. Took away

Mass Internet Shutdown: Dozens of websites and apps are down

Hulu, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Feedly, Discard, and many other services reported connectivity issues Sunday morning. Cloud flyer said the issue was with a "transit provider" with a third party, and its service was getting stronger by the day.

"Today we saw a massive outlet on the Internet that affected a number of providers," said John Graham Cumming, Cloud Flyer CTO. "Cloud Flyer’s automated systems detected the problem and revolved around it, but to the extent of the problem, manual intervention was also required."

Graham Cumming claimed that Internet service provider Centurylink (CTL) was responsible for the corruption, which took the cloud flyer and many of its users with it.

Centurylink, formerly known as Level 3, confirmed that there was an I Pout that affected the content delivery network (CDN), and that at 11 a.m. ET all services have been restored’ to. The telecommunications company said it was unable to comment on certain subscribers because of information about its proprietary network.

Down Detector, which reports of Internet and service outages, reported reports of Internet connectivity in the United States and Europe on Sunday morning.

Services such as Cloudflyer are designed’ to prevent the distribution of service attacks, which send malicious traffic to the website to take large computer networks offline. Services help keep sites running smoothly when traffic increases during shopping seasons or when a site hosts a viral video.


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