A statue of Chadwick Boseman will be erected’ in his hometown.
The 'Black Panther' actor died last week
after a secret battle with colon cancer, and a petition was filed by fans to
build a memorial in Anderson, South Carolina, where he grew up.
And now the office of Mayor Terrence
Roberts has confirmed that the city is working on a road to Chadwick's honor
and has already spoken to an artist to work on a work to honor the actor. ۔ It
is thought’ to be a combination of sculpture and possibly wall art.
It comes after a request was made’ to
build a statue of Chadwick in his hometown of Anderson, with the hope that it
would replace the Confederate statue, which is currently located in the center
of the city. Is.
The petition states: "Throughout his
career, he has revived historical figures such as James Brown, Jackie Robinson,
and Thurgood Marshall. Also known as the Black Panther, the film has inspired
many black Americans along with its entire physical work, and especially the
troubled times our nation is going through. In addition to his illustrious film
career, Mr. Boson set out on a mission to give back to the community ...
Earlier this year, local residents tried to remove the Confederate monument in
the town square of Anderson. Unfortunately, the current law in Carolina has not
benefited from this effort. The state of South Carolina is dedicated’ to the
war effort. No effort has been made’ to remove the statue from it. People will
agree that Mr. Bosman is not worthy of such a monument in his hometown, but I
want to go one-step further. I'm sure Mr. Bosman deserves the place that
currently occupies Town Square ... No city can be seen or passed by this
monument. "