
Supreme Court: Biden accuses Trump and Republicans of abuse of power

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made an urgent request to the conscience of Senate Republicans on Sunday, asking them to reject Donald Trump and go to the Supreme Court through their nominee before the November election. of the

Supreme Court: Biden accuses Trump and Republicans of abuse of power

Trump has said he plans to nominate a woman in the coming days to fill the seat of Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died Friday at the age of 87.

Speaking in Philadelphia, Biden called for a public hearing. He accused Senate Majority Leader Mick McConnell of hypocrisy when he stoned Mark Greenland, whom Barack Obama elected to court in 2016 election.

The former vice president said, "Look, I'm not bidding." "I'm not talking to President Trump, who will do what he wants. I'm not talking to Mitch McConnell, who will do what he wants, and he does.

"I'm talking to Republicans there, Senate Republicans, who know what's right for the country and what the constitution is."

Biden added that people have begun to vote in this election, which is just six weeks away. "The people of this nation are choosing their future with the right to vote. Stopping this nomination through the Senate is just an exercise in crude political power and I do not believe that the people of this nation can vote," he said. That's right. " . I will stand

He said it would represent "abuse of power". "It's unconstitutional."

Biden said he spoke to the Luxembourg family on Saturday night and said Justice had given a statement to his granddaughter Clara Spera: "I sincerely wish I would not change until a new president is appointed. It will not happen. "

"As a nation, we must pay attention to his last words," Biden said.

Biden stressed that health care, clean air, clean water, equal pay for equal work and the rights of voters are at stake. "Healthcare in this country is in balance before the court."

Biden, who often crossed the aisle in his decades-long career as a U.S. senator from Delaware, added: "Please follow your conscience. Under the circumstances created by President Trump and Senator McConnell, please do not vote for the nominee.

"Don't go there. Do your constitutional duty, keep your conscience, let the people speak, let the flames that ignite our flames cool down. Cannot maintain the principles of

At a rally in Fight Ville, North Carolina, on Saturday night, Trump said women would choose justice. One man who denied allegations of sexual immorality by more than 20 women said, "I really like women more than men. I have to say, 'Fill this seat!' "

On Sunday, Trump's campaign sent a fundraising email saying, "People want to fill that seat!"

Although many Republican senators will agree to thwart Trump's nomination, the knife remains on the edge. On Sunday, Alaska's Lisa Murkowski joined Maine's fellow moderate Susan Collins, arguing that the Senate should wait.

"For weeks, I have said that I would not support any possible Supreme Court position in the run-up to the election," said Murkowski. But my status has not changed.

The nine-member court has the power to hold presidents accountable and rule on issues such as abortion rights, gay rights and voting rights. Just a week after the election, it has decided to rule on a health care law that protects millions of people from pre-existing conditions.

Trump has already appointed two judges, but both were successful conservatives. The choice to replace Ginsburg could go to court for decades, following the example of Rowade, who effectively legalized abortion in 1973.

Leading candidates for the vacancy are Chicago's Amy Connie Barrett, a federal appeals judge and ideological opponent of Ginsburg. The New York Times as “a rock star’s reputation in conservative circles” has described Barrett, who opposes reproductive rights and is a Catholic.

Another key contender is Barbara LaGuardia, an appeals judge in Atlanta. She is the first Spanish woman to be appointed’ to the Supreme Court of the United States and the Philippines in Cuba. In any election, conservatives may have to wave to Trump because of their behavior and epidemic response.

The struggle is threatening to become the most explosive in decades, and many are already reeling from the corona virus, economic extinction and racism in the wake of the tensions.

McConnell listened to Trump's hearing

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told ABC News this week that "the right thing to do is to get a Senate nomination and confirm the nominee before election day." Lindsay Graham, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and has previously said she would oppose filling vacancies in an election year, has vowed to support Trump in "any effort to move forward."

But if McConnell votes before the election, he will need to have at least 50 of his 53 strongest Caucasus with him informed Vice President Mike Pence will break any contest. After losing both Collins and Murkowski, the margin of error has narrowed with Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Corey Gardner of Colorado, and Mitt Romney of Utah.

Democrats have limited options but can attack soon. If he gets a majority in the White House and Senate, he can increase the Supreme Court from nine to 11 judges.

Jerry Nidler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted: "If McConnell and Senate Republicans were forced by a nominee during the Long Duck Session - before a new Senate and President takes office - to come to the next Senate immediately That breadth should be increased. Supreme Court. "

Asked if Democrats could move to impeach Trump or Attorney General Bill Barr during the lame-duck session to stop the process, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told ABC: "Okay. Yes, we have options.

"We have arrows of persuasion that I am not going to discuss yet, but the fact is that we have a great challenge in our country. This president has threatened that even the statements he and his followers have made The election results will not be accepted’ with them.

A new Reuters / Ipsos poll on Sunday found that 62% of respondents think the winner should choose Ginsberg’s place. But this issue will destroy both the bases of the party.

In just 24 hours of Ginsberg's death, Democrats raised 91.4 million. Republicans hope that this late plot twist could save Trump in an election where Biden had a nine-point, 51 percent to 42 percent lead in an NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll on Sunday.


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