President Donald Trump has nominated Amy Koei-Barrett to fill the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Court, who has started fighting on Capitol Hill as Republicans try to confirm the judge. The aim was to do so ahead of the November 3 presidential election.
If the process for a nominee looks like it did for a former
Supreme Court nominee, then the Senate committee will have four days of
hearings and then a final ratification vote by a full 100-member Senate Will
Confirmation hearings are expected’ to begin in the Senate on
October 12, two Capitol Hill sources confirmed to the United States today.
Here is what to know about the process in Congress to uphold the
justice of the Supreme Court:
Voting by the Senate Judiciary Committee
In past confirmations, the nominee will face a lengthy scrutiny
process by the Senate Judiciary Committee, a panel accused of scrutinizing
judicial appointments.
Generally, this process can take up to two months. This includes
one-on-one meetings between senators and the nominee, an in-depth examination
of the nominee's FBI background, requests for documents and in-depth
questioning of the host nominee's views on the matter raised by the Supreme
Court. Can go
This process can take a long time if there is a hiccup in the
background of reporters. For example, Justice Brett Cavanaugh's nomination was
delayed’ by allegations of sexual harassment and took three months in 2018.
After meetings and hearings, the panel votes on whether to send
the nomination to the full Senate. Only a simple majority of the 22-member
panel, which includes 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats, is needed’ to send a
nominee off the committee.
Who are the key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee?
Sean Lindsay Graham, RSC, and its top Democrat is Sean Diane
Feinstein, D-Calif., head the Judiciary Committee
Several senators on the Judiciary Committee are ready for
re-election this year, including several Republicans from the swing states who
face stiff races like Iowa's Sen. Johnny Ernest and North Carolina's Thom
Tillis. Both Ernest and Telis have said they support moving forward to fill the
court vacancy.
Graham is also ready for re-election this year, although his
opponent is the Republican who made an unbiased prediction in the Coke
political report.
Their tough race means they will face tremendous public pressure
on both sides of the aisle during the verification process. In North Carolina,
for example, Tills Democratic challenger Call Cunningham and his campaign have
already criticized Tills for deciding to support Trump's nominee before he is
nominated’. Tales, for his part, has tied himself to the president in the hope
that it will increase his chances in November. He announced before Trump's
rally in North Carolina that he supported the nominee and would vote for him.
Democrat vice Presidential nominees Sen, Kamala Harris and D-Calif.,
are also on the committee, asking definite questions. Progressives praised
Conanno's questioning during the confirmation hearings. Television hearings
offer him a high-profile platform during the last part of the presidential
What have senators said about filling seats?
Republican senators have the support to move forward with the
nomination process and fill the seat before election’ day.
Democrats wanted to vote after election’ day in hopes of
Democratic candidate Joe Biden winning the presidency and Democrats taking
control of the Senate. Sen. Mitt Romney, R. Utah, previously thought of as a
swing vote, announced his support for a nominee earlier this week, an
indication Republicans are pushing for the ratification process. Necessary
votes have been’ obtained.
Democrats have acknowledged that they do not have the votes to
prevent the nominee from running. Feinstein said Thursday that he has no
"power" to stop a candidate, although he opposed Trump's efforts to
fill the seat before the inauguration of a new president.
Senators usually meet with the nominee one-on-one, but some
Democrats say they will abandon the process altogether. Sen. Richard
Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Thursday that he
would not meet with any of the nominees before the election. A member of the
panel Sen. Mazie Hirono,
D-Hawaii, told NPR on Tuesday that she would consider boycotting the
confirmation hearings altogether.
After Trump announced Barrett as his nominee, Democratic
senators stood in opposition when Republicans praised the election. Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schmidt, D-N.Y. "We strongly oppose this nomination," it
said in a statement.
"The American people must make no
mistake," he said. For Senator Amy Connie Barrett, a senator's vote is a
vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act and protect millions of Americans.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,
R.K. Called Barrett "an exceptionally influential jurist and a highly
qualified nominee."
"I'm looking forward to meeting with
the nominee next week and studying his record and credentials. As I said, this
nomination will be voted on in the Senate in the coming weeks," McConnell
said. ““The court, the Senate, and the American people - not to mention the
nominee and his family - deserve a fair process that focuses on the merits of
Judge Barrett. I hope all 100 senators respect this serious process and respectfully
yours, Command. "
Final vote in the Senate
After Barrett's approval by the Senate
Judiciary Committee, the Senate will be tasked’ with voting on it.
To clear the 100-member organization, the
nominee will need a simple majority of 51 votes. The GOP has a modest 53-47
majority, meaning it cannot lose four votes, as Vice President Mike Pence will
break a 50-50 tie.
Republicans look to Trump's nominee to win
the vote, with only two GOP members in the body, Sen. Susan Collins, R. Mine,
and Lisa Markowski, R. Alaska, saying they weigh in on voters. We do not
support the approval of this option before the first weight gain. Election day.
Democrats are publicly supporting the
People's Republic to move closer to the election of a candidate and to thwart
similar democratic efforts in 2016.
Four years ago, many Republicans raised
concerns when President Barack Obama nominated Judge Merck Garland in an election
year, leading Democrats to lash out at the same senators for backing Trump's
nominee. Was accused.
But very few Democrats out there can
really stop the nomination.
Some Democrats have urged the party
leadership to launch another impeachment probe to stop the Senate or shut down
the government, as well as take the last-ditch measures, but Democratic leaders
in the House and Senate have poured cold water on the proposals. Given
"The result has come out," St.
du Jones, D-Ella, who faces a tough re-election bid in the red, told reporters
at a virtual press conference on Friday. "It's unfortunate, but it's
really important. Very few people can stand up and talk and remind the American
people that their vote matters, and their vote will be counted."
How long does it take?
According to the Non-Partisan
Congressional Research Service, the average length of Supreme Court
confirmation since 1975 is 70 days until the last vote is’ submitted.
If Republicans want to confirm any new
justice by election day, which they have hinted at, they will need to move much
faster than previous confirmations. November 3 is only 38 days.
Ginsburg was confirmed’ 50 days after the
announcement of the nomination in the final Senate vote in June 1980.
Here is how long it took to confirm the
current judges in the Supreme Court since the announcement of the nomination:
89 days
66 days
87 days
72 days
92 days
72 days
77 days
Thomas: 106 days McNeil, however, says the
precedent allows for pre-ratification before the Senate, and Graham says the
Senate has votes.
What effect will this have on the
Both Republicans and Democrats have sought
to use the court battle as an election issue in the weeks leading up to
November. The court is one of the planned topics for the first presidential
debate between Trump and Biden on Tuesday, and is likely to play a major role
in the election.
When asked about Trump's pending nominee
in an interview with "CBS This Morning with Gail King" on Friday,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the nomination was related’ to health care and
election-related issues. Coupled with potentially controversial decisions
before a court.
"I just want people to know what's
going on, because if Republicans insist on moving forward, then there's a price
to pay," he said. Pelosi said the court is set to hear arguments on the
Affordable Care Act soon, and may consider election-related matters.
"The rush for a decision is about ending
the Healthcare and Affordable Care Act and the health care mandate that covers
pre-health conditions," Jones said Friday.
Trump has said he wants to fill the seat
soon so that the court can rule on election-related disputes, and Republicans
are likely to sway the court further to the right with a 6-3 conservative
"My liberal friends have been
accustomed to the idea of a liberal court for decades, and it's not written
in the stars," Romney said earlier this week.
Polling shows that voters on both sides of
the aisle are mobilized’ through fighting in the Supreme Court. Both sides have
cut off advertisements about the court and are trying to woo supporters.
Democratic candidates and progressive groups are raising fundraising records,
voter registration is on the rise, and the Trump campaign is already selling
"full seat" T-shirts.