
China will test the entire 9M City as Europe implements new virus rules

After a small outbreak, all 900,000 people in a major Chinese port city will be tested’ in COVID-19, health officials said Monday, as part of efforts to tackle the growing number of infections in Europe. The second round has” been forced.


China will test the entire 9M City as Europe implements new virus rules

The virus is largely under control in China - where it first appeared last year - in stark contrast to many parts of the world that suffers from lockdowns and high cases.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce a new three-tier alert system for coronavirus cases in England on Monday, while German authorities closed bars and clubs in Berlin after 11pm by the end of the month. France is expected’ to close local lockdowns in major cities. .


In the United States - the world's worst affected nation with 7.7 million infections and 214,000 deaths - President Donald Trump controversially apologized last week after being treated’ in a Washington hospital.


On Sunday, six incidents of Covid-19 were confirmed’ in the 9.4 million northeastern port city of Qingdao.


The Qingdao Municipal Health Commission said in a statement that the five districts would be tested "within three days" and the entire city "within five days", although it did not provide exact figures. People will be’ examined.


China has extensive, rapid testing capabilities, and as of Monday afternoon, the Health Commission said more than 277,000 people had already been tested in Qingdao, with nine positive results.


Large-scale trials were held’ in large areas of the capital, Beijing, in June after more than 2 million food market-linked viruses were’ identified.


Since the virus emerged, China has returned, shutting down the country and hammering out the world's second-largest economy.


Hundreds of thousands of people traveled across the country for the "Golden Week" holiday last week as the country progressed, while rapid tests and drowning by rapid locks have trampled on other waves of the virus.


However, its picture is very different from other parts of the world because countries are facing new waves and terrible threats.


- Three tier system.


UK leader Johnson will unveil his tire system on Monday, making it the only city in northwest Liverpool to be expected’ to be in the top category.


Like European governments, Johnson's Conservative cabinet is trying to strike a balance between reducing the rate of new infections against frustration and worries about the economy.


The new warning system, which will classify all areas as either "moderate", "high" or "very high" risk, aims to bring transparency and uniformity in the restrictions being introduced to combat the spread of the disease. Try


A Downing Street spokesman said: "This is a turning point and it is imperative that everyone follow the clear guidelines we have set to help control the virus."


Many urban centers in the north of England have already been subjected’ to various restrictions on social life, such as the ban on socializing, but the South has so far escaped strict restrictions.


The number of national deaths from the corona virus in the UK is over 42,000.


Globally, more than 37 million people are now infected, and at least 1.07 million have died.


- Trump claims immunity -


Trump's doctors explicitly allowed the president to return to the campaign trail on Saturday when he was no longer at risk of a coronavirus transmission, and on Sunday, he said he was "completely negative." "Experienced.


But it has so far been declared’ virus-free and its claim to immunity is not convincing.


Trump told Fox News, "Looks like I'm exempt from that, I don't know, maybe a long time and maybe a little time, it could be a lifetime, nobody really knows, but I'm immune. ۔ "


However, while it is not yet clear to what degree Covid 19 is exempt from contracting, a preliminary study suggests a few months while newcomers have indicated that it will last longer. Can


Meanwhile, a study by the Australian National Science Agency found that Cowand-19 can survive up to 28 days in cool, dark conditions on items such as notes and phones.


Researchers at the CSIRO Disease Preparation Center tested the longevity of SARS-CO2 at three temperatures in the dark, which reduced survival rates as conditions warmed.


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