
2020 Latest: Biden is the 46th president since Pennsylvania won

Democrat Joe Biden has won Pennsylvania, crossing the 270-vote threshold to take over the White House and become the 46th president of the United States.


2020 Latest: Biden is the 46th president since Pennsylvania won

Biden also visited Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, saying that President Donald Trump had won in 2016.


Pennsylvania was a winning state for Trump.


Biden, 77, was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and sought to connect with Trump's affluent class by equating the race with "Screen vs. Park Avenue."


Biden's victory came after more than three days of uncertainty when election officials sorted out the increase in mail votes, which delayed some ballots.


President Donald Trump walks to his vehicle on the South Lawn of the White House, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, in Washington.

Trump was elected’ president for the first time since Republican George HW. Bush in 1992.


This is where you need to know about the offer.


Now in his column with Pennsylvania, Democrat Joe Biden has approved the threshold of 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency.


The end being:


10:45 a.m.


States are still counting votes in the presidential election, with Democrat Joe Biden on the road to victory and President Donald Trump at his Virginia golf club for the first time since the end of September.


Trump left the White House on Saturday morning wearing golf shoes, a windbreaker and a white hat.


The White House is not immediately available for comment on questions about the president's potential golfing partners.


When Trump arrived, there were some people with Biden flag banners outside the club's entrance.


Trump also spent the morning tweeting about his baseless allegations of electoral fraud and illegal voting. Twitter has hidden four of the president's tweets behind warning labels that may contain controversial or misleading statements about the election.


The countdown to the presidency continues with Biden

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