
The Aztec Castle is located in the main square of Mexico City

The Aztec Castle Is Located In The Main Square Of Mexico City

Remains of an ancient Aztec Palace have been found beneath a majestic building in Mexico City.

During the building renovation from the plaza in the capital Central Joke, workers discovered basalt slab floors.

These floors are part of the open space at the Axial Palace, the Aztec ruler of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico.

The palace was also used as the residence of the Spanish conqueror Hernà°¨్n Corts after the fall of the Aztec Empire.

Excavators at the palace site found evidence of home courtesy.

Archaeologists say it was recycled material from the Oxacol Palace - similar to other sacred Aztec buildings that were destroyed by Spanish invaders.

Oaxaca ruled between 1469 and 1481 and was the father of Montezuma, one of the last rulers of the empire.

"Remains of basalt slabs more than three meters deep beneath the sub-floors of the Cortes house, but found from pre-Hispanic times," the INAH said.

"Looking at its features, experts say it's part of open space, probably a courtyard, in the former palace.

Arriving in Mexico in 1518, Cortes spread the rumor among the Europeans that he had great wealth - to colonize Spain as a mission commander to explore the area.

He and his men besieged the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. When the city surrendered, it was destroyed by Spanish colonists.

The present building on the site - the National Monte de Pied - is a historic pawn shop built in 1755.

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