"We are at a breaking point," he said. The Secretary-General on Saturday called for an end to global inequality, leading to mass racist-protests this year and being exposed by the Corona epidemic.
Antonio Guterres said, "COVID-19 has been likened to X-rays, which are a fracture in the fragile skeletons of the societies we have exposed."
"It is exposing lies and untruths everywhere: the lie that the free market provides health care for all, the fantasy that unpaid care does not work, the illusion that the post-apartheid world is live, the myth that we are one boat."
"Developed countries are investing heavily in their existence and are failing to provide the necessary assistance to help developing countries in these critical times," he said.
The chief speech shows what happened to the birthday of former South African president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mandela.
South Africa, the most unequal country in the world since the end of the apartheid system, has been one of the most difficult countries in the world for a quarter of a century, with up to half of the coronavirus cases confirmed by the epidemic and now Africa. Already, its public hospitals have almost sunk.
The UN chief's speech targeted the vast inequality of wealth - "the world's 26 richest people make up almost half of the world's population," Guterres said - and other inequalities, including race, gender, class and place of birth. .
She said that as governments, businesses and individuals also face allegations that they have stockpiled the tests, medicine and other supplies they need, these appear to be contagious in the global disintegration response.
The legacy of colonialism still resonates, Guterres added, and it is evident in world power relations.
The developing world and especially African countries, including financial institutions such as the World Bank and political bodies such as the United Nations Security Council, have the five most powerful members - the US, Britain, France, Russia and China, with very little representation of power at all levels. - The world body dates back to the 1940s when it was created.
"Inequality starts at the top: in global institutions. They need to start improving by addressing inequality."
He said the new generation needed social protection, including universal health coverage, and perhaps even universal basic incomes that "individuals and companies should pay their fair share".
He said the cost of education in low- and middle-income countries should exceed $ 3 trillion by 2030. When faced with massive changes due to climate change, governments should tax carbon instead of the public.
Answering questions following his speech, Guterres called for "massive support" for developing countries, including debt writing. By the end of this year, he said, the 20 major economic powers in the world, the G-20, had clearly agreed to fit.
And "leadership and power do not always mix," he said anonymously.
"Face the facts," Guterres said in his speech, adding that world politics and the economy were not delivering on important global public goods: public health, climate change, sustainable development, and peace. "
The U.S. chief called for a new paradigm of global governance with inclusive and equal participation.
“We see the beginning of a new movement,” he said, adding time to correct past mistakes.