The reality show, which follows the lives of the Kardashian family in 20 seasons, has made its stars a household name. "It will end in early 2021 after its 20th season," Kardashi…
The US Treasury on Tuesday approved two former Lebanese cabinet ministers allied with the militant group Hezbollah in an unusual move against politicians close to the Iranian-backed group. …
A trial participant has been denied’ the promise of the Covid-19 vaccine due to a negative reaction. A spokeswoman for AstraZeneca, a company that works with the Oxford University team, to…
Rescue workers using heavy machinery recovered 14 more bodies from a collapsed marble mine in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, bringing the death toll to 22, officials said. The reason fo…
Apple Inc. invited the media on Tuesday for a "special event" that is set to release on September 15, with the high expectation that the iPhone maker will launch new versions of its core…
Justin Bieber took a moment to look at his past, present and future, and this weekend - hoping to become a father one day. "I came from a small town in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. I had n…
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