
Brexit: Does the return of face-to-face negotiations mean progress?

That is why the “tiger at the earliest” (the words of Prime Minister Boris Johnson) is blown up in the EU-UK post-Brexit trade talks.

Monday began a month of intense negotiations between the two sides. This includes weekly meetings - in London, in others, in Brussels. The first face-to-face negotiations in Europe since the Covid-19 pandemic has infected the European Union and the UK's major negotiators.

The idea of ​​highlighting the frequency of the round of negotiations was a blessing at the highest political level when the Prime Minister held a summit via video link with European Commission Chairman Ursula von der Leyen a few weeks ago.

Both sides have reaffirmed their commitment to agreeing and ratifying a deal by the end of this year.

What can we expect after the July tiger boom?
Well, the government wants to see the outline of the EU-UK trade agreement by the end of the summer. After the end of the transition period, it is time for UK businesses to prepare themselves for a new working relationship with the European Union from 1 January.

This month, a small group of negotiators will focus on key sticking points between the two sides, such as the fishing and competition rules, including state and state aid rules that are crucial to the European Union.

Whether face-to-face discussions involve awkward informal chats over coffee or a cooling walk around the block, the parrot on each side allows negotiators to breathe space, rather than being already good. Known red lines. Zoom in or out through chat.

But this is not easy
The posting and / or parrot is very straightforward. Agree on any of the political agreements

You could say that, if they were unwilling to make concessions, neither the European Union nor Britain would sign the release of tigers into the tank.

Or you may notice that both parties are not responsible for the termination of the agreement politically and financially.

Brussels suggests that it is ready to be flexible as long as the principles of protecting the single market are protected. But what does this mean in practice?

EU leaders say they have full faith in their chief negotiator, Michelle Barnier. But earlier this month, he demanded to keep himself well informed at every step.

Eight European Union coastal countries are wary. They wanted to fish a lot in the waters of Britain they enjoyed when Britain was a member state. Mr. Barnier had a "peak position" for him. The remaining 19 EU members are reluctant to negotiate trade with the UK for fishing.

There is nothing to celebrate the partition of the European Union
The European Union's united front is under some tension as the UK presses for a compromise.

Pragmatic Germany is set to take over the six-month presidency of the EU this week. Chancellor Angela Merkel is clear - she has repeatedly stressed that she is not in favor of continuing the UK deal "at any cost."

Pragmatic Germany is set to take over the six-month presidency of the EU this week. Chancellor Angela Merkel is clear - she has repeatedly stressed that she is not in favor of continuing the UK deal "at any cost."

But no deal is expensive for German businesses and their political legacy is undermined. She can be seen arguing with France's Emmanuel Macron, who has taken the hardest route in the Brexit negotiations so far.

This is a Franco-German "drama" that will appear in a series next season if it ever appears (and if that happens, it may be limited in size and played behind closed doors).

The Germans also have a timetable for their EU presidency. This summer, they said they were trying to get all EU members behind the general recovery fund to help European economies be hit hard by Kovid-19. Brexit relations will not focus after the autumn in Berlin.

Despite the rhetoric about the race for the summer deal, the timeline is more comfortable for the prime minister. He is given full freedom to perform the feats given by his 80-seat parliamentary majority. But compromise in the autumn may be easy for them, and the clock is unlikely to be dealt with - it is opposed to Britain's industry and many MPs.

One thing London should remember: there is nothing to celebrate the EU divided by concessions. Every EU country and the European Parliament needs to ratify future relationship agreements. Nor can there be any agreement.

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