
Covid-19 vaccine: South Africa launches first continental test for coronavirus vaccine

From here the residents of Soweto's vast Black Colony became the first South African to inject a trial vaccine for COVID-19, with scientists seeking a cure for the virus that has infected millions and killed hundreds in the world.

Mongo (24) is one of more than 2 thousand South Africans participating in international studies at the Oxford Jenner Institute in the UK after the vaccine was developed.

After receiving an injection from Shabbir Madhi, a vaccine dept at Witt University and director of the South African Medical Research Council's Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Analysis Research Unit, Molonglo said he wanted to learn COVID-19 and help doctors find it. Virus Prevention.

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He is also a member of the panel advising the South African government on the Maheshi epidemic. Madhavi said, "This is an important moment for South Africa and Africa at this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter winter in South Africa and the pressure on government hospitals, we should get the vaccine now," Madhi said. Launching a trial at several sites in South Africa

South African participants will be 5 thousand in Brazil, 4,000 in the UK, an additional 10,000 participants and up to 30,000 people will be registered in the US. Officially known as the Ax 1 Cove-19 Vaccine Vida-Test, the South African portion of this trial is the first of its kind to the African continent.

Amid optimism, experts reported that the vaccine currently being tested is more than 100. In South Africa, at least 100,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 2,000 people have been infected with the virus since March, announcing a national lockdown following the president's disaster situation and a five-pronged strategy. The epidemic continues at the 3rd level.

"Vaccines are one of the most powerful ways to reduce life-threatening diseases. Without a vaccine, COVID-19 can cause serious illness and death," says Jebel Vilakazi, vice president and research vice-chancellor. Postgraduate Affairs at Wits University. He said his institute was committed to cooperating with Oxford University in the investigation.

Prior to launch, the South African study was subject to rigorous reviews and was approved by both the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHRA) and the Human Research Ethics Committee of Wits University.

“In addition to studies in the Northern Hemisphere countries, it is essential to study vaccines in the Southern Hemisphere countries, including the African region,” said Helen Rees, Chairman of Sahra and Executive Director of the Institute of Reproductive Health and HIV (WIT). RHI) said).

"This allows the effectiveness and safety of candidate vaccines to be assessed in a global context. Introducing multiple life-saving vaccines to low-middle-income countries in public vaccination programs often occurs in high-income countries.

There has been much debate internationally at the World Health Organization, and when this vaccine was found, it was not even available to all countries, little or no developing countries, and would not be marketed only to the rich and developed countries.

"As the world rallies to find health solutions, South Africa's effort to develop an effective COVID-19 vaccine is a testament to our commitment to supporting health care innovations to save lives," said Southend Medical President and CEO. This project is funded by the Research Council in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The project is also supported by the South African Government. “The National Health Department is excited to launch this vaccine trial, which will go a long way toward retaining South Africa’s leadership in the scientific space,” said Sandil Butelezi, National Health Director-General of the Department of Health. "With the growing COVID-19 infection every day, vaccine development will be the ultimate solution in the long run, and we're completely behind the team," Buthelezi said.

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