Pakistani police on Sunday said they had arrested one of the two suspects in the rape of a woman who was dragged from her car and attacked in front of her children when her car broke down’. Later,…
Police in the Australian state of Victoria have arrested 74 people and fined 176 for violating public health orders as protests against a week-long Coronavirus lockdown continue across Melbourne.…
Russia will send Belarus to joint military exercises starting Monday with its PSU division of the paratroopers; the RIA Novato news agency quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying on Sunday. …
Twitter once again flagged a tweet from President Trump urging voters to show up at polling stations in North Carolina during the election cycle to ensure their mail counts. The label wa…
China's defense ministry on Sunday slammed a report critical of the United States' military intentions, saying it posed the greatest threat to international peace and security. The…
Rihanna thinks people who use dating apps are "brave". The hit maker named 'Diamond' is currently single after ending her three-year relationship with Hassan Jamil earlie…
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