The 40-year-old owner of the event, in an extraordinary series of events, performed an unforgettable performance for his team in a match on Saturday, a team from Afghanistan Shpageeza Cricket League. However, a day after the corruption, the Afghanistan Cricket Board stopped him from the rest of the tournament.
Abdul Latif Ayoubi, a 40-year-old owner of
the Kabul Eagles, made the playing XI for his team in the September 13 match
against the Spanish Home Tigers.
While bowling 'medium fast', Aubrey bowled
just one over, scoring 162 runs in 20 overs for the Tigers with a total score
of 142-8. In pursuit of the target, the Eagles won the match in 17.5 overs to
advance to the final on Wednesday.
Oberoi's first team ended in a win for
their team, but was banned’ from participating in the "rest" of the
tournament after violating "Articles 9 and 18" of the ACB's
disciplinary code of conduct. "Abuse of staff or players, use of abusive
language and damage to property."